Metacognition Self Assessment Scale (MSAS)


Metacognition Self Assessment Scale

Development of a self-report measure of metacognition: The metacognition self-assessment scale (MSAS). Instrument description and factor structure



Pedone, R., Semerari, A., Riccardi, I., Procacci, M., Nicolò, G., Carcione, A. (2017). Development of a self-report measure of metacognition: The metacognition self-assessment scale (MSAS). Instrument description and factor structure. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 3(14), 185-194.


Last update:
The Metacognition Self-Assessment Scale (MSAS)
DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/649VQ


The MSAS is freely available to download for research purposes. The measure is not yet suited for clinical or diagnostic purposes. 
We would like to be able to provide a list of publications of studies using the MSAS, details of papers on this website and links to the full-text where possible. Being included on this webpage does not imply our agreement or approval; it reflects our commitment to open science.
In case you decide to use the MSAS please share your project with Dr. Roberto Pedone (