Metacognition Brief Rating Scale
Preliminary Development and psychometric evaluation of the Metacognition Brief Rating Scale: an informant form of the Metacognition
Self-Assessment Scale
Pedone, R., Semerari, A. (2023). Preliminary Development and psychometric evaluation of the Metacognition Brief Rating Scale: an informant form of the Metacognition Self-Assessment Scale. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 20(6).
Last update:
The Metacognition Brief Rating Scale (MBRS)
The MBRS is freely available to download for research purposes. The measure is not yet suited for clinical or diagnostic purposes.
We would like to be able to provide a list of publications of studies using the MBRS, details of papers on this website and links to the full-text where possible. Being included on this webpage does not imply our agreement or approval; it reflects our commitment to open science.
In case you decide to use the MBRS please share your project with Dr. Roberto Pedone (